Just a few days left to register!

Only Qualified Consumer Goods Executives and Retailers are invited to attend this Consumer Goods Sales and Marketing Summit.

Qualified Attendee - Registration is open to qualified retailers and consumer product goods companies. Attendance is complimentary.

Qualified Solution Provider - Please note that solution providers, consulting firms, technology firms, and software companies are not eligible to attend through general registration. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact us directly.

To begin registering for Consumer Goods Sales and Marketing Summit, enter your email address below.

By registering and attending this event you voluntarily agree to assume all risks that you and your guests may experience in connection with your participation. You release and hold harmless EnsembleIQ, the event venue, and any associated vendors, with respect to any and all personal injury, illness, disability, death to the fullest extent permitted by law.

EMAIL: By registering for this event, you agree to have your contact information including email addresses passed on to the sponsor(s) of this event for marketing purposes. You may withdraw your consent at any time. You may occasionally receive exclusive updates regarding the latest news from your friends at Consumer Goods Technology or EnsembleIQ. Should the content interest you, great! If not, you’ll have the ability to manage your preferences or opt-out from these messages at any time. 

PHOTOS & VIDEO: By registering and attending a Consumer Goods Technology event, you are acknowledging your understanding and acceptance that you may be included in photographs and/or video taken during the event and that these photographs and/or video footage may be used by Consumer Goods Technology or EnsembleIQ in future promotional materials.

ATTENDEE ELIGIBILITY: To attend Consumer Goods Sales and Marketing Summit, you must be a qualified Retail or Consumer Goods Executive. Registrations will be reviewed and subject to approval. Please note that misrepresentation of attendee type, company affiliation or employment status may result in disqualification of registration at any time.