What is the Innovation Sprint? 

An interactive exercise to help you rethink and optimize your value proposition. Whether it’s your leadership, your employees, or your customers, discover how to tap into the value of Infectious Messaging to ensure your ideas capture the right buy-in.

You’ll learn how to more concisely and effectively speak to your customers and internal stakeholders so you can: 

  • Better market your products and services
  • Cultivate word of mouth
  • Revamp your internal language 
  • Ensure your initiatives are the ones getting funding

What can I expect? 

A fully-facilitated workshop experience that will teach you how to tap into the most current consumer goods sales and marketing trends to hone your storytelling and packaging skills. We’ll help you cut through the BS so you can move your initiatives through your organization and get them into action.  

This is also an opportunity for you to network and exchange ideas with your senior peers in a candid and high-energy, closed-door setting. 

Why should I come? 

You’ll get back to your desk with a fresh and repeatable framework to bring your initiatives to the next level. The CGT community is filled with powerful and creative thinkers, and this is also a chance to learn from some of the industry’s leading minds in an off-the-record setting. 

How long is it? 

Less than 90 minutes.

Do I need to register in advance? 

Nope! Participation is included with Summit registration. 

What do I need to bring? 

Just yourself! 

About the facilitators

CGT enlisted the help of Trend Hunter, a global platform that identifies consumer insights opportunities for the world's most innovative companies.

Jennifer Kang is a research advisor and futurist, and with clients like Mattel, Coca-Cola, and Bayer, she consistently delivers pioneering ideas that redefine boundaries and provoke disruption within their respective sectors. Through her work, Jennifer not only ignites creativity, but also instills strategic thinking, empowering audiences to implement tangible solutions and enact meaningful change within their organizations.

The Innovation Sprint will take place at 2:00 PM on Day 2 | Tuesday, September 24.

Exact time subject to change based on agenda revisions.